Postgres OnLine Journal: October 2008
An in-depth Exploration of the PostgreSQL Open Source Database

Table Of Contents

From the Editors
PostgreSQL Q & A
PL Programming

From the Editors


When it rains it Drizzles

MySQL is turning out to be one big soap opera as far as I can tell and as Bruce Momjian has mentioned.

Lets go over some of the interesting episodes of this saga:

  1. First Sun buys MySQL
  2. Falcon storage engine creator Jim Starkey leaves MySQL/Sun
  3. Brian Aker heads Drizzle which is a fork of MySQL that hopes to be a stream-lined implementation of MySQL that leaves out all that nonsense we don't need such as views and stored procs and targeting it self for running on the cloud, optimizing for massive concurrency, and ease of install. I presume Brian still works for MySQL/Sun though.
  4. Michael "Monty" Widenius Leaves MySQL and Sun to help with this Drizzle thing, but will still be working on Maria according to Brian (see comment below).
  5. And now Jay Pipes leaves as well to work on Drizzle. He will still be a Sun staff engineer on Drizzle, but not the MySQL community leader.

I'm not sure what all these things say about the stability of the MySQL core. I mean should I stick with MySQL 5 or run for the Drizzle, but I think I'll stick with PostgreSQL where ever I can. PostgreSQL may not be quite as interesting from a soap opera perspective, but it seems a tad bit more dependable and I really like my views and stored functions.

PostgreSQL Q & A


How to delete many functions Intermediate

There are a lot of functions in PostgreSQL and for the most part, they are nicely tucked away in the pg_catalog schema so they don't get mixed with your functions. There are a lot of contrib modules though and if you use a few of the big ones and just dump them in the public schema, the function list gets overwhelming and you have a hard time finding your own functions. To keep our sanity we tend to create a schema called util or something like that where we stuff our own personal functions for easy navigation and for larger contribs, we may put these in a separate schema altogether. Every once in a while, we screw up and put the functions in the wrong schema. Deleting these can become painful if there are a lot to delete.

Problem: How do you delete a butt load of functions without working up a sweat?


Use the below code cautiously. We start off with our general hack of writing an sql statement to write lots of sql statements. We had hoped to use the more generic information_schema for this exercise, but the closest table we could find information_schema.routines, lists the names of the functions but not the arguments. You need the arguments in your drop since PostgreSQL supports function argument overloading.

SELECT 'DROP FUNCTION ' || ns.nspname || '.' || proname || '(' || oidvectortypes(proargtypes) || ');'
FROM pg_proc INNER JOIN pg_namespace ns ON (pg_proc.pronamespace = ns.oid)
WHERE ns.nspname = 'my_messed_up_schema'  order by proname;

The above will generate but not execute code that looks something like below so you can inspect the drops before executing:

DROP FUNCTION my_messed_up_schema.funcabc(int4,int4);
DROP FUNCTION my_messed_up_schema.funcdef(int4,date);

PostgreSQL Q & A


Why is my index not being used Beginner

The age old question of why or why is my table index not being used is probably the most common question that ever gets asked even by expert database users.

In this brief article we will cover the most common reasons and try to order by statistical significance.

For the uninitiated, how do you know when an index is not being used? You use EXPLAIN, EXPLAIN ANALYZE or PgAdmin's nifty graphical Explain plan described in Reading PgAdmin Graphical Explain Plans.

Okay your query is not using an index, why and what can you do about it?

  1. Problem: Outdated stats. Now this is less common of an issue if you have auto-vacuuming turned on, but if you have recently bulk loaded a table or added new indexes and then try to do a query, then the statistics may be out of date.

    Solution: vacuum analyze verbose sometable
    I add the verbose in because it is fun to see what vacuuming is doing and if you are as impatient as I am and you tables are big, its nice to get some confirmation that something indeed is happening. You can also just
    vacuum analyze verbose
    if you want to run against all tables.
  2. Problem: The planner has decided its faster to do a table scan than an index scan : This can happen if a) your table is relatively small, or the field you are indexing has a lot of duplicates. Solution: Case in point, boolean fields are not terribly useful to index since 50% of your data is one thing and 50% is another. However they are good candidates to use for Partial indexes e.g. to only index data that is active.
  3. Problem: You set up an index that is incompatible with how you are actually filtering a field. There are a couple of variants of this situation. The old
    • LIKE '%me' will never use an index, but LIKE 'me%' can possibly use an index.
    • The upper lower trap - you defined your index like:
      CREATE INDEX idx_faults_name ON faults USING btree(fault_name);, But you are running a query like this:
      SELECT * FROM faults where UPPER(fault_name) LIKE 'CAR%' Possible fix:
      CREATE INDEX idx_faults_name ON faults USING btree(upper(fault_name));
    • This is one that I wasn't even aware of. It is always nice to read about other peoples problems via newgroups because you discover all these problems you never even knew you had. If your server was init with a non-C locale, doing the above still doesn't work. This came up in Pgsql-novice newsgroup recently and Tom Lane provided an answer which works. This I suspect bites more people than is known. The solution Possible fix:
      CREATE INDEX idx_faults_uname_varchar_pattern ON faults USING btree(upper(fault_name) varchar_pattern_ops);

      However even with the above solution it appears you may still need the variant below for exact matches and IN clauses:

      We haven't quite proven if this an issue with database encoding, data itself or difference in versions of 8.2 vs 8.3. It seems for 8.3 for our particular dataset in UTF-8 the below is still needed for exact matches, however for similar use-case in a 8.2 database in SQL-ASCII, the varchar_pattern_ops is enough for both exact and LIKE matches.

      CREATE INDEX idx_faults_uname ON faults USING btree(upper(fault_name));
      SELECT fault_name from  faults
      WHERE upper(fault_name) IN('CASCADIA ABDUCTION', 'CABIN FEVER');
    • Dum newbie user - Just incompatible data type. E.g. doing something like creating an index on a date field and then doing a text compare with dates by casting your date to text.
  4. Not all indexes can be used. Although PostgreSQL 8.1+ versions support what is known as Bitmap Index Scan, which allows multiple indexes on a table to be used in a query by creating in-memory bitmap indexes. If you have got many indexes, don't expect all possible candidate indexes to be used. Sometimes a table scan is just more efficient.
  5. Problem: The planner isn't perfect. Solution Cry and pray for a brighter day. Actually I've been pretty impressed with PostgreSQL's planning abilities compared to other databases. Some would say, If only I could provide hints, I could make this faster. I tend to think hints are a bad idea and the best solution is just to make the planner better. The problem with hints is they take away one beauty of databases. That is the idea that the database knows the state of the data better than you do and constantly updates that knowledge. Hints can quickly become stale where as a well-primed planner, will constantly be changing strategy as the database changes and that is really what makes database programming unique among various modes of programming.

PostgreSQL Q & A


Simulating Row Number in PostgreSQL Pre 8.4 Intermediate

PostgreSQL 8.4 will have a ROW_NUMBER() windowing function so this little hack will hopefully be unnecessary when 8.4 is in production.

Getting back to this exercise, this was actually inspired by Hubert's recent article Tips N’ Tricks - setting field based on order. Why this inspired me, I guess because it stirred up memories about the often forgotten utility of arrays in PostgreSQL and I thought it would answer a question that was haunting me - How do I assign sequential numbers to a list?. The article just didn't quite read the way I expected it to and actually was answering another question I cared much less about, but it did get the juices flowing. So without much further ado.


You have data that looks like this:

name_id		last_name		first_name
jjones		Jones			John
psmith		Smith			Paul
wgates		Gates			William		
wgrant		Grant			Wallace

And someone asks you to output it like this:
row_number	name_id			last_name		first_name
1		wgates			Gates			William	
2		wgrant			Grant			Wallace
3		jjones			Jones			John
4		psmith			Smith			Paul

--CREATE test data
CREATE TABLE people(name_id varchar(50) PRIMARY KEY, last_name varchar(50), 
    first_name varchar(50));
INSERT INTO people(name_id, last_name, first_name)
(VALUES ('jjones', 'Jones', 'John'), 
('psmith', 'Smith', 'Paul'), 
('wgates', 'Gates', 'William')
    , ('wgrant', 'Grant', 'Wallace'));

Solutions: Here we propose 3 solutions and which you choose is based on preference, use-case and experience.

--Approach 1: The all in one WTF
--  Advantage: 1 step and no temp junk created
--  so safe to nest into other subqueries and reuse
--- Disadvantage: Messy to read, 
--      could be slow for large sets, 
--      and relies on a primary key
SELECT row_number, oldtable.*
FROM (SELECT * FROM people) As oldtable
        FROM people 
        ORDER BY last_name, first_name) As id)  AS oldids
CROSS JOIN generate_series(1, (SELECT COUNT(*) 
                    FROM people)) AS row_number
WHERE[row_number] =  oldtable.name_id
ORDER BY row_number;

--Approach 2: Closer to Hubert's Examples
--Advantage: Easy to read - intuitive, doesn't rely on a primary key
--Disadvantage: Creates temp junk in the db 
--      which means reusing in same session you must drop
--  and using in nested subquery results may be unpredictable
--I prefer the WTF 
--I don't know what it is about explicitly creating stuff in the 
--database even if it lasts for that one session
-- just irritates me - granted its much simpler and probably faster 
CREATE TEMP sequence temp_seq;
SELECT nextval('temp_seq') As row_number, oldtable.*
FROM (SELECT * FROM people ORDER BY last_name,first_name) As oldtable;

--Approach 3:  This will work I think even in MySQL :)
--Advantage: Cross Platform - yeh
--Disadvantage:  Potentially slow correlated subquery for large datasets  
--  and gets somewhat messy the more orderings you tack on
-- relies on your order by producing unique results
    (COALESCE(people.last_name,'') || COALESCE(people.first_name,'')) <= 
    || COALESCE(oldtable.first_name,''))) As row_number, 
    FROM people 
    last_name, first_name) As oldtable;

PL Programming


Quick Guide to writing PLPGSQL Functions: Part 1 Beginner

In this series we'll go over writing PLPGSQL stored functions. We shall follow up in a later issue with a one page cheat sheet.


All PLPGSQL functions follow a structure that looks something like the below.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fnsomefunc(numtimes integer, msg text)
    RETURNS text AS
    strresult text;
    strresult := '';
    IF numtimes > 0 THEN
        FOR i IN 1 .. numtimes LOOP
            strresult := strresult || msg || E'\r\n';
        END LOOP;
    END IF;
    RETURN strresult;
  COST 10;

--To call the function we do this and it returns ten hello there's with 
carriage returns as a single text field.
SELECT fnsomefunc(10, 'Hello there');

The basic make-up of a PLPGSQL function is as follows:

  1. There is the function interface that defines the args and the return type
  2. There is the body which in modern versions of PostgreSQL (8+) the preferred encapsulation is dollar quoting vs. using a single quote
  3. Within the body: There is a declaration of variables section which is optional
  4. Then there is a BEGIN END structure that defines the meat of the function. Unlike sql functions which currently require you to refer to variables by their ordinal position $1, $2, $3 etc. in PLPGSQL you can refer to variables by there name.
  5. After the body, like all PostgreSQL functions, is noted the Language and a tag that denotes how it should be cached. In this case we have noted IMMUTABLE meaning that the output of the function can be expected to be the same if the inputs are the same. Other options are STABLE - meaning it will not change within a query given same inputs and VOLATILE such as functions involving random() and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP that can be expected to change output even in the same query call.
  6. PostgreSQL 8.3 introduced the ability to set costs and estimated rows returned for a function. For a scalar function the rows is not applicable so we leave that out for this simple example. The cost is relative to other functions and defaults to 100 unless you change it. Nuances of COST and caveats are outlined in our New Features for PostgreSQL Stored Functions
  7. Note also the clause after the caching model is sometimes the words SECURITY DEFINER which means the function is run under the context of the owner of the function. This means the function can do anything the owner of the function has security to do even if the person running the function does not have those rights. This portion applies not just to PLPGSQL functions but any. If this clause is left out, then a function runs under the security context of the person running the function.

    For users coming from SQL Server - this is similar in concept to SQL Server 2005 - EXECUTE AS OWNER (leaving Security definer out is equivalent to EXECUTE As CALLER in sql server). Note SQL Server 2005 has an additional option called EXECUTE As 'user_name' which PostgreSQL lacks that allows you to run under a named user that need not be the owner of the function.

    For MySQL users, SECURITY DEFINER exists as well and works more or less the same as it does in PostgreSQL.

  8. Pretty much all the functions you can write in PostgreSQL whether SQL, PLPGSQL or some other language can use recursion. We'll go over an example of that in another part of this series.

Conditional Logic

PLPGSQL has a couple of conditional logic structures. In the above we saw the simple IF THEN. There also exists IF .. ELSIF ..ELSIF END IF, IF ..ELSE ..END IF. We shall demonstrate by making dumb changes to our above.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fnsomefunc(numtimes integer, msg text)
    RETURNS text AS
    strresult text;
    strresult := '';
    IF numtimes = 42 THEN
        strresult := 'Right you are!';
    ELSIF numtimes > 0 AND numtimes < 100 THEN
        FOR i IN 1 .. numtimes LOOP
            strresult := strresult || msg || E'\r\n';
        END LOOP;
        strresult := 'You can not do that. Please don''t abuse our generosity.';
        IF numtimes <= 0 THEN
            strresult := strresult || ' You are a bozo.';
        ELSIF numtimes > 1000 THEN
            strresult := strresult || ' I do not know who you think you are.  
                    You are way out of control.';
        END IF;
    END IF;
    RETURN strresult;

SELECT fnsomefunc(42, 'Hello there'); 
SELECT fnsomefunc(200, 'Hello there'); 
SELECT fnsomefunc(5000, 'Hello there'); 

Control Flow

In the above example we saw a variant of the FOR LOOP - below are a listing of the other basic control structures. In part 2 we shall delve into using some of these.

The basic control flow structures available in PLPGSQL are:

  • FOR somevariable IN (1 ...someendnumber) LOOP .. END LOOP;
  • FOR somevariable IN REVERSE someendnumber .. 1 BY somestep LOOP .. END LOOP;
  • FOR somevariable IN (somesqlquery) LOOP ..RETURN NEXT; .. END LOOP;
  • LOOP ..logic statements EXIT .. EXIT WHEN .. CONTINUE WHEN .. END LOOP;
  • WHILE ... LOOP ... END LOOP;
  • Introduced in 8.3 RETURN QUERY which can be in any LOOP like structure or stand alone

PL Programming


Quick Guide to writing PLPGSQL Functions: Part 2 Beginner

In first part Guide to Writing PLPGSQL functions, we covered the plpgsql function anatomy and basic IF and FOR loops. In this second part of our PLPGSQL Quick Guide series, we shall delve more into control flow. As we mentioned in the previous part, the following control flow constructs exist for PLPGSQL.

  • FOR somevariable IN (1 ...someendnumber) LOOP .. END LOOP;
  • FOR somevariable IN REVERSE someendnumber .. 1 BY somestep LOOP .. END LOOP;
  • FOR somevariable IN EXECUTE(somesqlquery) LOOP ..RETURN NEXT; .. END LOOP;
  • LOOP ..logic statements EXIT .. EXIT WHEN .. CONTINUE WHEN .. END LOOP;
  • WHILE ... LOOP ... END LOOP;
  • Introduced in 8.3 RETURN QUERY which can be in any LOOP like structure or stand alone. This is covered in New Features of PostgreSQL Functions

In this section we shall demonstrate looping thru sets of records and writing a set returning function. In the next section after, we shall delve a little into recursive functions, doing table updates, and raising notices.

The FOR somevariable IN somesqlquery

This in pre-8.3 was the most common construct for looping thru records. It is still the only way to return a set of records where the query statement is dynamically changing within the procedure. Below is an example of such a thing.

--Just returning a string
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION somefuntext(param_numcount integer)
    result text := '';
    searchsql text := '';
    var_match text := '';
    searchsql := 'SELECT n || '' down'' As countdown 
                FROM generate_series(' || CAST(param_numcount As text) || ', 1, -1) As n ';
    FOR var_match IN EXECUTE(searchsql) LOOP
        IF result > '' THEN
            result := result || ';' || var_match;
            result := var_match;
        END IF;
    RETURN result;

--To use you would do this --
SELECT somefuntext(10);

10 down;9 down;8 down;7 down;6 down;5 down;4 down;3 down;2 down;1 down

--Returning a set of strings
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION somefun_settext(param_numcount integer)
    result text := '';
    searchsql text := '';
    var_match text := '';
    searchsql := 'SELECT n || '' down'' As countdown 
                FROM generate_series(' || CAST(param_numcount As text) || ', 1, -1) As n ';
    FOR var_match IN EXECUTE(searchsql) LOOP
        RETURN NEXT var_match;

--To use you would do this
FROM somefuntext(10) As n;

 10 down
 9 down
 8 down
 7 down
 6 down
 5 down
 4 down
 3 down
 2 down
 1 down
(10 rows)

--Returning a set of anonymous records
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION somefun_recordset(param_numcount integer)
    result text := '';
    searchsql text := '';
    var_match record;
    searchsql := 'SELECT n || '' down'' As countdown, n as integer 
                FROM generate_series(' || CAST(param_numcount As text) || ', 1, -1) As n ';
    FOR var_match IN EXECUTE(searchsql) LOOP
        RETURN NEXT var_match;

To call the above, you would do something like below. Note when calling an alias record set, we need to define the structure of the output. The benefit of an alias recordset is that you can have all sorts of queries use the same function as long as your calling query knows the expected structure. The downside is that you have to note the expected structure which quickly becomes annoying if it is always the same.

SELECT r.n , r.countdown
FROM somefun_recordset(10) 
    As r(countdown text, n integer)
    ORDER BY r.n;

---RESULT --
 n  | countdown
  1 | 1 down
  2 | 2 down
  3 | 3 down
  4 | 4 down
  5 | 5 down
  6 | 6 down
  7 | 7 down
  8 | 8 down
  9 | 9 down
 10 | 10 down

In order to not have to specify the output structure of your query, you need to either use a named type or use a table as a type. NOTE: All tables and views in PostgreSQL have a corresponding row type that is autocreated for them so if your output results match a table type, you can use that table record type as output. Below we demonstrate creating a type to hold each row and using it.

CREATE TYPE somefun_type As (countdown text, n integer, somethingrandom numeric);
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION somefun_setoftype(param_numcount integer)
  RETURNS SETOF somefun_type AS
    result text := '';
    searchsql text := '';
    var_match somefun_type;
    searchsql := 'SELECT n || '' down'' As countdown, n as integer, random() As numeric 
                FROM generate_series(' || CAST(param_numcount As text) || ', 1, -1) As n ';
    FOR var_match IN EXECUTE(searchsql) LOOP
        RETURN NEXT var_match;

--Example run --
SELECT myfun.n, myfun.somethingrandom 
FROM somefun_setoftype(10) As myfun
WHERE myfun.n IN(2,3);

 n |  somethingrandom
 3 |  0.78656436316669
 2 | 0.818326753564179