In the first part of this series Fusion Charts and PostgreSQL Part 1: Database Analysis of USDA DB in our November/December 2008 issue, we did some back-seat analysis of a database we had never seen before and formulated some thoughts of things that would be useful to see in a dashboard as well as starting to develop some views to support our Dashboard. In the second part of our Fusion Charts series, we covered creating a Dashboard application in ASP.NET that demonstrated both VB.NET and C# variants using the database we loaded and prepped in Part 1.
In this part three of our series, we shall conclude by demonstrating the same application we did in ASP.NET in PHP.
We are going to create a simple dashboard that has the following features:
Our final product will look like this:
You can see the app in action - USDA Food Stats and discover some interesting things about the food you eat or were considering eating.
What we will need for this exercise will be the following:
Begin by creating folders in your web app directories called
define("DSN", 'postgres://usda_app:foodie@localhost:5432/usda?persist');
Controller Logic - view_charts.php
class _view_charts extends Smarty{
protected $db;
protected $charttypes = array('FCF_Bar2D' => 'Bar', 'FCF_Funnel'=>'Funnel',
'FCF_Pie3D' => 'Pie 3D', 'FCF_Column3D' => 'Column 3D',
'FCF_Doughnut2D' => 'Doughnut');
protected $rs_attributes;
function __construct() {
$this->db = NewADOConnection(DSN);
if (!$this->db) {
die("Connection failed");
$this->rs_attributes = $this->db->Execute("SELECT metric, metric || ' (' || units || ')' As display
FROM vwfdgrpstats GROUP BY metric, units ORDER BY metric")->GetAssoc();
function page_load(){
$this->assign('rs_attributes', $this->rs_attributes);
$this->assign('rs_charttypes', $this->charttypes);
$this->assign('lit_chart_food_group', $this->create_chart("chartFoodGroup", "vwfdgrpstats"));
$this->assign('lit_chart_food', $this->create_chart("chartFood", "vwfoodstats"));
function create_chart($achart_name, $aview_name){
//str_xmlwill be used to store the entire XML document generated
$str_xml = null;
$sql = null;
$output_tag = '';
$topn = '8';
$charttype = key($this->charttypes);
//default attribute to first element in list
$att_display = reset($this->rs_attributes);
$att_value = key($this->rs_attributes);
if (!empty($this->rs_attributes[$_REQUEST['dropdownlist_attribute']])){
$att_display = $this->rs_attributes[$_REQUEST['dropdownlist_attribute']];
$att_value = $_REQUEST['dropdownlist_attribute'];
if (!empty($_REQUEST['dropdownlist_charttype'])){
$charttype = $_REQUEST['dropdownlist_charttype'];
//Generate the graph element
$str_xml = "";
switch ($charttype) {
case "FCF_Funnel":
$str_xml = "<chart isSliced='1' slicingDistance='4' decimalPrecision='2' subcaption='Top $topn By "
. $att_display . "'>";
$output_tag = "</chart>";
case "FCF_Column3D":
case "FCF_Doughnut2D":
case "FCF_Pie3D":
case "FCF_Bar2D":
$str_xml = "<graph showNames='1' decimalPrecision='2' formatNumberScale='0' rotateNames='1' caption='Top " . $topn . " Per Serving for " .
$att_display .
"' xAxisName='" . $att_display . "' yAxisName='Avg' >";
$output_tag = "</graph>";
$sql = "SELECT Substr(item_name,1,30) As item_name, avgnutritionalvalue As tot, units
FROM " . $aview_name . " WHERE metric = COALESCE(" .
$this->db->qstr($att_value) . ", 'Unknown') " .
" ORDER BY avgnutritionalvalue DESC";
$dr = $this->db->SelectLimit($sql, $topn);
while (!$dr->EOF) {
$str_xml = $str_xml . "<set name='" . preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\s\s+]/',' ',$dr->fields("item_name")) . "' value='" . $dr->fields("tot") . "' />";
$dr = null;
$str_xml = $str_xml . $output_tag;
//Create the chart with data from strXML
return renderChart("FusionCharts/" . $charttype . ".swf", "", $str_xml, $achart_name, "650", "300", false, false);
new _view_charts();
Display interface templates/view_charts.tpl
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT>
<style type="text/css">
body {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT>
<form id="form1" action="{$smarty.request.url}" method="post">
<b>Chart Type</b>
<select id="dropdownlist_charttype" name="dropdownlist_charttype" onchange="this.form.submit()">
{html_options options=$rs_charttypes selected=$smarty.request.dropdownlist_charttype}
<b>Select Metric to Chart By</b>
<select id="dropdownlist_attribute" name="dropdownlist_attribute" onchange="this.form.submit()">
{html_options options=$rs_attributes selected=$smarty.request.dropdownlist_attribute}