More Aggregate Fun: Who's on First and Who's on Last

Microsoft Access has these peculiar set of aggregates called First and Last. We try to avoid them because while the concept is useful, we find Microsoft Access's implementation of them a bit broken. MS Access power users we know moving over to something like MySQL, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL often ask - where's first and where's last? First we shall go over what exactly these aggregates do in MS Access and how they are different from MIN and MAX and what they should do in an ideal world. Then we shall create our ideal world in PostgreSQL.

Why care who's on First and who's on Last?

This may come as a shock to quite a few DBAs, but there are certain scenarios in life where you want to ask for say an Average, Max, Min, Count etc and you also want the system to give you the First or last record of the group (this could be based on physical order or some designated order you ascribe). Even more shocking to DB Programmer type people who live very orderly lives and dream of predictability where there is none, some people don't care which record of the group is returned, just as long as all the fields returned are for a specific record. Not Care, You ask?

Here is a somewhat realistic scenario. Lets say you want to generate a mailing, but you have a ton of people on your list and you only want to send to one person in each company where the number of employees in the company is greater than 100. The boss doesn't care whether that person is Doug Smith or John MacDonald, but if you start making people up such as a person called Doug MacDonald, that is a reason for some concern. So your mandate is clear - Save money on stamps, Inventing people is not cool, DO NOT INVENT ANYONE IN THE PROCESS. So you see why MIN and MAX just does not work in this scenario. Yah Yah you say, I'm a top notch database programmer, I can do this in a hard to read but efficient SQL statement, that is portable across all databases. Good for you.

With First or Last function, your query would look like this:

SELECT First(LastName) As LName, First(FirstName) As FName, COUNT(EmployeeID) As numEmployees
FROM CompanyRoster
HAVING COUNT(EmployeeID) > 100;

The above is all fine and dandy and MS Access will help you nicely. What if you care about order though? This is where Access fails you because even if you do something like below in hopes of sending to the oldest person in the company, Access will completely ignore your attempts at sorting and return to you the first person entered for that company. This is where we will improve on Access's less than ideal implementation of First and Last.

SELECT First(LastName) As LName, First(FirstName) As FName, COUNT(EmployeeID) As numEmployees
        ORDER BY CompanyID, BirthDate DESC) As foo
HAVING COUNT(EmployeeID) > 100;

Creating our First and Last Aggregates

Creating a First and Last Aggregate is much simpler than our Median function example. The First aggregate will simply look at the first entry that comes to it and ignore all the others. The Last aggregate will continually replace its current entry with whatever new entry is passed to it. The last aggregate is very trivial. The first aggregate is a bit more complicated because we don't want to throw out true nulls, but since our initial state is null, we want to ignore our initial state as well.

This time we shall also use Tom Lane's suggestion from our median post of using anyelement to make this work for all data types.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION first_element_state(anyarray, anyelement)
  RETURNS anyarray AS
    SELECT CASE WHEN array_upper($1,1) IS NULL THEN array_append($1,$2) ELSE $1 END;

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION first_element(anyarray)
  RETURNS anyelement AS
    SELECT ($1)[1] ;

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION last_element(anyelement, anyelement)
  RETURNS anyelement AS
    SELECT $2;
CREATE AGGREGATE first(anyelement) (

CREATE AGGREGATE last(anyelement) (
--Now some sample tests
--pick the first and last member from each family arbitrary by order of input
SELECT max(age) As oldest_age, min(age) As youngest_age, count(*) As numinfamily, family,
    first(name) As firstperson, last(name) as lastperson
FROM (SELECT 2 As age , 'jimmy' As name, 'jones' As family
    UNION ALL SELECT 50 As age, 'c' As name , 'jones' As family
    UNION ALL SELECT 3 As age, 'aby' As name, 'jones' As family
    UNION ALL SELECT 35 As age, 'Bartholemu' As name, 'Smith' As family
    ) As foo
GROUP BY family;
 oldest_age | youngest_age | numinfamily | family | firstperson | lastperson
         50 |            2 |           3 | jones  | jimmy       | aby
         35 |           35 |           1 | Smith  | Bartholemu  | Bartholemu

--For each family group list count of members,
--oldest and youngest age, and name of oldest and youngest family members
SELECT max(age) As oldest_age, min(age) As youngest_age, count(*) As numinfamily, family,
    first(name) As youngest_name, last(name) as oldest_name
FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT 2 As age , 'jimmy' As name, 'jones' As family
    UNION ALL SELECT 50 As age, 'c' As name , 'jones' As family
    UNION ALL SELECT 3 As age, 'aby' As name, 'jones' As family
    UNION ALL SELECT 35 As age, 'Bartholemu' As name, 'Smith' As family
    ) As foo ORDER BY family, age) as foo2
    WHERE age is not null
GROUP BY family;

 oldest_age | youngest_age | numinfamily | family | youngest_name | oldest_name
         35 |           35 |           1 | Smith  | Bartholemu    | Bartholemu
         50 |            2 |           3 | jones  | jimmy         | c