PostGIS 2.5.1 was released on November 18th 2018 and I finished off packaging the PostGIS 2.5.1 windows builds and installers targeted for PostgreSQL EDB distribution this weekend and pushing them up to stackbuilder. This covers PostgreSQL 9.4-11 64-bit and PostgreSQL 95-10 (32bit).
Note that PostGIS 2.5 series will be the last of the PostGIS 2s. Goodbye PostGIS 2.* and start playing with the in-development version of PostGIS 3. Snapshot binaries for PostGIS 3.0 windows development are also available on the PostGIS windows download page. These should work for both BigSQL and EDB distributions.
One reason I wait a little to package the PostGIS Bundle is because it has MORE than just PostGIS. It's got the newest stable GEOS, (sometimes newer GDAL and SFCGAL), and most importantly usually a newer pgRouting, osm2pgrouting and ogr_fdw. I try to stage the packaging so that if a new pgRouting or ogr_fdw is about to come out I include it.