We just pushed out installers for PostGIS 2.2.0 for PostgreSQL 9.5beta2 windows both 32-bit and 64-bit on Application Stackbuilder. These installers are also available as standalone listed on PostGIS windows page. This is the first PostGIS 2.2.0 release for the PostgreSQL 9.5 32-bit and a rerelease for PostgreSQL 9.5 x 64-bit (this time compiled against beta2 instead of beta1).
On quick testing the PostGIS 2.2 beta1 release and pgRouting 2.1.0 worked fine on 9.5beta2, however you may want to reinstall anyway just to be safe. You can just reinstall over your existing install, no need to uninstall first. Similarly just upgrading a PostgreSQL 9.5beta1 to 9.5beta2 seemed to not require pg_upgrade or dump/restore, so safe to just upgrade from 9.5beta1 to 9.5beta2. Other notes about this 9.5beta2 PostGIS 2.2.0 release:
- The FDW API changed between PostgreSQL 9.5beta1 and PostgreSQL 9.5beta2, so the OGR_FDW, if you don't reinstall the bundle, will crash and burn in PostgreSQL 9.5beta2 (using PostGIS 2.2. beta1 executables). Similarly this newly compiled OGR_FDW will not work on PostgreSQL 9.5beta1 (so upgrade to 9.5beta2 first).
- The PostgreSQL 9.5betas (that includes both beta1 and beta2), are compiled against the pointcloud 1.1 master branch. This was required because the released pointcloud 1.0.1, does not compile against PostgreSQL 9.5
- The PostgreSQL 9.5beta2 PostGIS 2.2.0 release comes packaged with SFCGAL 1.2.2 (instead of 1.2.0 like the others versions) which fixes a crasher with ST_StraightSkeleton as noted in ticket - https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/3324. Newer SFCGAL will be packaged with upcoming PostGIS 2.2.1, but if you are on an older edition and are using SFCGAL, you can always copy latest SFCGAL.dll binaries from the 2.2.1dev packages on PostGIS windows page http://postgis.net/windows_downloads/.