Foreign Data Wrappers for PostgreSQL 9.4 Windows

As stated in last article, I've packaged FDW binaries for PostgreSQL 9.4 windows 32-bit and 64-bit and added in the ogr_fdw one. These we've tested with the standard EDB VS built PostgreSQL windows installs and work fine with those.

FDW binaries for PostgreSQL 9.4

Below are the zip files that contain the binaries and dependency files for our favorite FDWs (that aren't normally available for windows):

If you are using Chrome, Chrome is currently flagging the zip files on this site as possible malware with comment Not commonly Downloaded Warning. If you get such a notice click the drop down option it provides and choose Keep. Alternatively try the 7z versions, which you can extract with 7-zip. These for some reason aren't being flagged.
UPDATE: these have been recompiled with GDAL 2.0 branch (2.0.1) to fix some issues with excel driver, also been recompiled with latest ogr_fdw source to fix some issues like datetime handling. However we took out curl support and added sqlite3 support (so drivers now support SQLite formats like GPKG, but no longer support web formats like Google Fusion/CartoDb). If you need the curl support and are happy with not having latest ogr fdw/gdal fixes use the old file now renamed - fdw_win32_94_bin_gdal1.11.7z, fdw_win64_94_bin_gdal1.11.7z

FDWs in the 9.4 downloads

We'll be updating the 9.3 ones next with the latest code and adding in the ogr_fdw.