FOSS4G 2014 televised live

If you weren't able to make it to FOSS4G 2014 this year, you can still experience the event Live. All the tracks are being televised live and its pretty good reception. Lots of GIS users using PostGIS and PostgreSQL. People seem to love Node.JS too.

After hearing enough about Node.JS from all these people, and this guy (Bill Dollins), I decided to try this out for myself.

I created a node.js web application - which you can download from here: . It's really a spin-off from my other viewers, but more raw. I borrowed the same ideas as Bill, but instead of having a native node Postgres driver, I went for the pure javascript one so its easier to install on all platforms. I also experimented with using base-64 encoding to embed raster output directly into the browser so I don't have to have that silly img src path reference thing to contend with.