How to create an n-column table really fast

Ever have the need to create a holding table say spreadsheet data with say 100 columns. You need to create a table to hold this stuff. Or perhaps you were feeling in a sadist mood and wanted to abuse your PostgreSQL database to see how many columns you can create in a table of a specific data type. Here is a quick script to do it:

-- 8.4+ syntax
SELECT 'CREATE TABLE data_import('
|| array_to_string(array_agg('field' || i::text || ' varchar(255)'), ',') || ');'
FROM generate_series(1,10) As i;

-- 9.0+ syntax (string_agg was introduced in 9.0)
SELECT 'CREATE TABLE data_import('
|| string_agg('field' || i::text || ' varchar(255)', ',') || ');'
FROM generate_series(1,10) As i;

Both variants will return output that looks like this:

CREATE TABLE data_import(field1 varchar(255),field2 varchar(255),field3 varchar(255),field4 varchar(255)
    ,field5 varchar(255),field6 varchar(255),field7 varchar(255)
    ,field8 varchar(255),field9 varchar(255),field10 varchar(255));

Now if you want it to also execute because you are running it as part of an sql script, you could wrap it in an anonymous function.

 ---wrap it in an anonymous function to run
 -- requires PostgreSQL 9.0+
DO language 'plpgsql'
DECLARE var_sql text :=  'CREATE TABLE data_import('
    || string_agg('field' || i::text || ' varchar(255)', ',') || ');'
    FROM generate_series(1,10) As i;
    EXECUTE var_sql;
$$ ;