One of the neat changes already present in the PgAdmin III 1.13dev, is the change in plugin architecture. Version 1.13 dev allows for multiple plugin*.ini files. How does this work. Well if you have a plugins.d folder in your PgAdmin III version folder, it will read all the inis in that folder and load them as plugins.
Recall in PgAdmin III Plug-in Registration: PostGIS Shapefile and DBF Loader, we demonstrated how to load the PostGIS shapefile and dbf loader as a plugin in PgAdmin III, well this time we will demonstrate how to do it using PgAdmin version 1.13. Better yet, we'll show you the new and improved PgAdmin III Shapefile and DBF Loader in the works for PostGIS 2.0.
Well PgAdmin 1.13 binaries, are not available on the PgAdmin official site, however they are packaged in the PostgreSQL 9.1 Alpha binaries. To use them, just extract the binaries and click on the PgAdmin3.exe in the bin folder. Most of our windows desktops can run them fine without any prior installation. However if you are on windows and they don't work out of the box, you may need to install the Visual C++ 2008 runtime libraries.
If you want to test out PostgreSQL 9.1 alpha on windows, you can do so by following our instructions listed in our Starting PostgreSQL in windows without install
Attached is our plugins.d which includes all the plugin inis for the plugins we will be describing
.; ; PostGIS shp2pgsql-gui (Windows): ; Title=PostGIS Shapefile and DBF loader 2.0 Command="$$PGBINDIR\postgisgui\shp2pgsql-gui.exe" -h "$$HOSTNAME" -p $$PORT -U "$$USERNAME" -d "$$DATABASE" -W "$$PASSWORD" Description=Open a PostGIS ESRI Shapefile or Plain dbf loader console to the current database. KeyFile=$$PGBINDIR\postgisgui\shp2pgsql-gui.exe Platform=windows ServerType=postgresql Database=Yes SetPassword=Yes
The great new feature of the upcoming loader is the ability to load multiple files at once. Here is what that looks like. For this exercise -- we pulled data from 2009 Tiger/Line Shapefiles and downloaded the State and Equivalent, and Military Installation. We also wanted to add in the 5-digit Zipcode tabulation area 2002 but that is a 600 mb file and we were running out of disk space on our test box.
Now there is another postgis plugin available written by Jérôme ROLLAND using MapWindow .NET and npgsql.NET. Unfortunately, this sadly doesn't work on Linux/Unix (mostly because apparently doesn't run under Mono.NET yet), so at the moment is a windows only plugin. You can download it from Plugin PgAdmin III : PostGISViewer suite. Jerome has written some other PostGIS pgAdmin III plugins including one that piggy-backs on FWTools to provide an interface for exporting PosTGIS data into various formats.
Here is a demonstration of the plugin in action and how to install it.
ALTER DATABASE test_postgis20 SET bytea_output='escape';
Then exit out of PgAdmin
SELECT ST_AsBinary(geom) As geom, GeometryType(geom), stusps
FROM staging.us_states
WHERE stusps IN('MA');
SELECT ST_AsBinary(m.geom) As geom, GeometryType(m.geom), m.fullname
FROM staging.military_installations As m
INNER JOIN staging.us_states As s ON ST_Intersects(s.geom,m.geom)
WHERE s.stusps IN('MA');
Note: you can also launch the viewer by selecting a postgis table from the schema tree. We didn't do this since most of our tables are fairly large and painful to load.